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  The Neighbourhood Plan looks to the future of Botley Parish until 2036.
When Adopted, EBC has to take it into account in Planning Applications and other matters.
For more details click on NP Information

Botley NeighbourCare

Botley NeighbourCare is a service available for people of all ages in the community of Botley when there is no one else they can call upon to help.

NeighbourCare plays a key role in providing:

• Personal transport for medical appointments and shopping.

To make a transport Booking please call 07857 242218

• Social contact:  We currently provide transport to/from the Out to Lunch Club held at the Dolphin, Botley Square once a month. It’s wonderful for our clients to enjoy the company of others that helps reduce loneliness and isolation. Friendships form which allow people to meet outside of these events.

To join in the fun, please call Lesley on 07928 537904.



Botley Mini Bus

Botley Mini Bus can be seen around the village most days, used by groups and societies it is also available for hire on a non-profit making basis.

For hire charges and availability click here.

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