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  The Neighbourhood Plan looks to the future of Botley Parish until 2036.
When Adopted, EBC has to take it into account in Planning Applications and other matters.
For more details click on NP Information


2nd Broadoak Rainbows, aged 5 - 7, 1st Broadoak Brownies aged 7 -10, and 1st Broadoak Guides aged 10 -14 all meet weekly in the Scout and Guide HQ at the Botley Centre.

If you would like more information about what the girls do, or to register interest in joining please go to the national Girlguiding website www.girlguiding.org.uk where you can register your daughter with a local unit or volunteer as an Adult.

A direct link to register your daughter with a local unit is www.girlguiding.org.uk/information-for-parents/register-your-daughter/ and to volunteer as an adult click on www.girlguiding.org.uk/get-involved/become-a-volunteer/

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