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  The Neighbourhood Plan looks to the future of Botley Parish until 2036.
When Adopted, EBC has to take it into account in Planning Applications and other matters.
For more details click on NP Information

Botley Books

History of Botley and Curdridge


"A Tale of Two Villages"

First ever book on History of Botley & Curdridge was  launched on 17th November 2007 in the Market Hall.  Copies are available from the Penny Farthing Gallery, Botley Square or direct by post. 



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The Botley Men's Cook Book


 Stephen Hayes cooks at home 3 or 4 times a week.  He wrote this book from the conviction that life would be better if men cooked more often and better, but existing books tend to be 'too clever' and/or not written in the learning styles of many men.

So he has written to addess an unmet learning need for men, whether in families or living alone, and their teenage sons and nephews as they go off to university or otherwise leave home and try to eat decently on a budget, and perhaps even impress a young lady with their enlightened attitude to the kitchen.



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School Cookery Book

Botley School Cookery Book

Recipes from the school teachers and students along with recipes from many celebrities, including Raymond Blanc, Rick Stein, Delia Smith,...

How about
White Chochoclate Cheesecake, Foil wrapped sea bass Thai style, Scrummy Lemon Pudding, ....

The cost is £7.50 and all proceeds go to the Swimming Pool Fund.

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The River Hamble - A History


The River Hamble: A History
A new book on the River Hamble by local author
 David Chun

"THE HAMBLE rises at Bishop’s Waltham in Hampshire and flows into Southampton Water. It is a relatively small river but it has an interesting and varied history.  Above Botley the Hamble powered a number of mills, and in the 17th century plans to make ..."


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