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  The Neighbourhood Plan looks to the future of Botley Parish until 2036.
When Adopted, EBC has to take it into account in Planning Applications and other matters.
For more details click on NP Information

Parish Council Articles

under-constructionPrivate functions ; Anniversaries ; Weddings ; Parties.
Enquiries to Mrs Wendy Whitfield
Tel : 01489 787181


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Botley Parish Council Co-option

There are FOUR vacancies on the above Council following an uncontested election on 02 May 2024.
The vacancies will be filled by co-option at a Council meeting to be held on Tuesday 11 June 2024.
To obtain an application form please contact the Parish Clerk, email: .
Mrs J Morgan, Parish Clerk
Botley Parish Council,
The Botley Centre, High Street Recreation Ground
High Street, Botley SO30 2ES

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Chris Cooper

45 High Street, SO30 2EA


  Tel: 07967 275469

Vice Chairman

Sue Grinham

   Tel: 01489 781680
 Jamie Harding 1 Nairn Road, SO32 2SH  
   01489 787181   
Dave Kinloch 26 Kingsman Drive, SO32 2FW  
  Tel:07875 232557
Rupert Kyrle 6 Sherwood Avenue, Hedge End, SO30 0JY  
  Tel: 02380 407045
Janine Stone Manor Lodge, Brook Lane SO30 2ER  
  Tel: 07870 189321  
Adrian Trace  Maddoxford Farm, Maddoxford Lane SO32 2DB  
   01489 787181  
Stephen Wildin 36 Tickner Close, SO30 2SW  
   Tel: 078423 43993  

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Your elected County Councillor is Rupert Kyrle

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Mims Davies MP

For more information visit the Parliament Web site : Mimms Davies in Parliament (opens in new tab/window)

Constituency Office:

Unit 9

Hedge End Business Centre

Botley Road

Hedge End


SO30 2AU

020 7219 6853 (Westminster)  01489 786688 (Constituency)

(opens in new tab/window

www.mimsdavies.org.uk (opens in new tab/window)

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Botley Parish Council holds a Meeting of the Council on the second Tuesday of each month at 7.15pm in the Jubilee Hall, Botley Centre, High Street, Botley. 

Members of the public are very welcome to attend the Council meetings. A short period of time is available at every meeting for members of the public to briefly express a view or ask questions on relevant matters on the agenda. If you cannot attend the meeting but would like to comment on a subject of local interest then please contact one of the councillors who will raise the matter for you.

The Council has three principal committees which meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month. These meetings are held in the Committee Room at Botley Centre

  • Planning and Highways Committee - 6.30pm every month

  • Recreation Committee - 7.30pm (February, April, 
              June, August, October & December)

  • Policy and Resources Committee - 7.30pm (January, March, 
              May, July, September & November

The Council's Neighbourhood Plan Committee meets at 7:15pm on the third Wednesday of the month in the Committee Room at the Botley Centre


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The survey is now closed. 

Results will be analysed and made public.  No personal information will be used, made public or passed to any third party.

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Download or View Botley News Letters.  You will need a pdf reader in order to view the news letters.
Clicking on the required newsletter will load it into a new window so you can read it.  Dependent upon which pdf reader you have you can also download to your device.

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Contact Details:

Botley Parish Council,
The Botley Centre,
High Street,
Southampton SO30 2ES

Tel: 01489 787181;


You can also send us a message by using the form below.  It will automatically send a copy to you.

Please note that under GDPR regulations, the processing of the personal information collected in this form is subject to the conditions of our privacy policy.

In order to send the information in the form below we need your permission by selecting Yes in the Consent field in the form.  If you do not select yes then the form will not be sent when you click on the submit button.


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Botley High Street recreation ground has been awarded a Green Flag. The High Street Recreation Ground is centrally located in Botley and provides valuable leisure and recreation amenities for the local community and surrounding area. The site is approximately 4.89 hectares in size. The park has been open as a public recreation ground for 124 years and the original site has since been substantially extended.
During the last ten years a significant programme of renewals and improvements has aimed to raise the quality of all the facilities to meet the expectations of visitors. Facilities include meeting rooms, public toilets, car park, play area and teen shelter, football pitches, cricket table, and astro-turf sports pitch for football and tennis, changing rooms and basketball court. Visual amenities include formal and informal planting, broad areas of lawn and a variety of trees. The southern boundary of the recreation ground provides access to public footpaths leading to Manor Farm Country Park.
Botley Parish Council has prepared a long term management plan for the recreation ground and to confirm its commitment to the future of the site was given a Green Flag award in 2012.

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Dependant on your browser settings, if you click on one of the document titles then it will open up a new tab or a new browser window  showing the selected document.  If this is the document you were seeking then use your regular browser facilities to down load.  Finally close the new browser tab or window.



This section of the community website contains the agendas and minutes of the Council and Committee meetings, its financial transactions and items required by the Transparency Code.  It also has contact details for your Councillors - Parish, Borough and County together with information on the services provided by the Parish Council.

The Parish Council meetings are open to all. We are all stakeholders in the life of our community.

We value your feedback. If you have any comments please contact myself or members of the Council either by e-mail or by phone and we will see what we can do to help you.

To find more information about Botley Parish Council either click on the relevant menu item above or use the direct link as noted in the table below.

For meeting times of the Council and its principle sub committees www.botley.com/parish-council-meeting-times
To find who are your current councillors and their contact details www.botley.com/parish-councillors
To contact the Parish Council www.botley.com/parish-council-contact
For details of the Recreation Grounds www.botley.com/recreation-grounds
For current and back issues of Botley News www.botley.com/botley-news
To download and read the Agenda and Minutes of the Parish Council and its sub committees
To download and read the details of the Parish Council financial income and expenditure www.botley.com/parish-council-financial
 Transparency Code Documents    under construction


Janet Morgan
Clerk to Botley Parish Council; Office telephone: 01489 787181; email:

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