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  The Neighbourhood Plan looks to the future of Botley Parish until 2036.
When Adopted, EBC has to take it into account in Planning Applications and other matters.
For more details click on NP Information


Click on the links below for crime statistics shown on a map at street level for our locality, for detail of the local police and how to contact them(non Emergency)

999 remains the Emergency  telephone number whilst 101 is the line for reporting criminal activity.  Note that with 101 the main thing is that your crime will become listed.  This enables establishment of crime patterns both in type and location.  This in turn allows the Police to better focus their activities.  Do not expect any follow up after calling 101.

All Links open in a separate page or tab

Who Are Botley Police Team 

 Crime Figure Maps
  (click on Link below)
Botley Village
Borley Green Borley Green & Botley overlap, so it is not proper to sum the figures from each map
Western Botley Note the map for Western Botley incudes a significant part of Hedge End, where the crime rate is higher than Botley


For even more map related info please click here This will open Crime Reports UK on a new page. Then type Botley, Hampshire In the search box. This software is being 'trialed' by Hampshire Police.

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